The NUAS Communication Conference (NUASkom) is a network conference with the premise to provide the opportunity for extensive dialogue and room for discussions and exchange of experiences. The conference targets communication staff at universities in the Nordic countries. Participants come from all over Scandinavia. The conference covers many different aspects, such as internal communication, research communications, digital and social media, recruitment of students, crisis communication, media relations, branding, and many more.
The conference is mainly held in English to accommodate Icelandic and Finnish conference participants, and other participants who may not understand or speak Scandinavian languages. Some presentations may be held in one of the mainland Scandinavian languages, but alternative sessions in English will be offered at the same time.
There is no specific theme for the conference, as our main objective is to present valuable cases that can serve as examples and food for thought.
The conference usually takes place every 18 months and alternates between different countries and capitals/regions. The most recent conferences were held in Uppsala, Reykjavík, Tromsø, Helsinki, Aarhus, Stockholm and Bergen.
We expect up to 300 participants. The conference takes place on 24-26 January 2019 at the University of Iceland, in Reykjavík.
NUAS communication is one of the 14 interest groups of NUAS (“Det Nordiska Universitets Administratörs Samarbetet”). NUAS is a member-driven collaborative organization established in 1976. Today, NUAS’ membership base includes 65 universities and university colleges.