At the NUAS communication conference, dialogue, participation, and exchange of experiences are encouraged. The NUASkom planning group knows however that some cases can be complex, and such presentations may, therefore, require more time. We try to create a programme that allows for different forms of presentation and dialogue.
A presentation in plenum. A keynote address is first and foremost a lecture, and time does not have to be set aside for questions. However, questions are encouraged if time permits.
A seminar is characterised by a prolonged presentation by a speaker, followed by a discussion. We recommend that the actual seminar should account for no more than two thirds of the time available to leave room for in-depth discussion at the end.
A workshop is characterised by a high degree of active participation by the attendees. The presenter of a workshop is, therefore, primarily a facilitator of dialogue between the participants. The active participation should preferably involve more than the opportunity to ask questions to the presenter. A workshop can, therefore, include one or more minor group assignments.
Circus sessions:
Concurrent circus sessions are events where about 15-20 parallel sessions of no more than 30 minutes are repeated three times. These ’circus’ sessions are mainly case presentations from representatives from the participating universities. The number of participants in such an event is much lower than in a workshop or a seminar and the atmosphere is therefore more intimate and more conducive to professional dialogue.