Olaf Erlend Gundersen

    Going Mobile
    From text to video, multitasking as a communication officer

    Facebook, Instagram and the new media platforms of the web, make simple text as basis for research communication lacking. At the University of Bergen the communication division has spent time enabling their journalists to make simple, small videos, as teasers for their online material and

    With their phone as the main tool, the journalists produce, publish and share their content, giving the story a far better reach. We have developed predefined graphics for the videos to give them a more similar layout and professional look. The software used for editing video and adding text also enables sharing in all the different platforms.

    Join the circus to see examples of the videoes and to get a short presentation of how the journalists of UiB are producing them.

    Circus Speaker

    Olaf Erlend Gundersen, Senior communication advisor and editorial chief at the University of Bergen.



    Marlene WindSverre Ole Dronen